[Update] Advice On Finding The Cheapest Holiday Insurance

Advice On Finding The Cheapest Holiday Insurance...

The cheapest holiday insurance you can find is the most desirable for your wallet, but before simply going for the lowest price, you should be aware of some of the pitfalls.

Depending on the nature of your trip and medical history, the cheapest holiday insurance for you might amount to anything from the kind of money you could find down the back of your sofa to a significant chunk of your holiday outlay.(Cheapest Holiday Insurance)

Because of that, I recommend taking the following steps to find insurance for you, as well as the cover best suited to your needs.

Cheapest Holiday Insurance
Cheapest Holiday Insurance

1) Read the small print. We all check the tick box on contracts online every day of the week. Of course, in an ideal world we'd scour every detail and query any point of a contract we weren't happy with, but the reality is that there simply aren't the hours in the day, even less the will to do this.

I'd make an exception when it comes to identifying your insurance, however.

Many insurance companies are notoriously difficult to make claims from when something has gone wrong (for example, if you're looking for cheapest holiday insurance to cover you for a trip and then, for example, war breaks out in place of your destination, the cost of your holiday won't always be covered by the cheapest holiday insurance. This, of course, will have been spelled out in the small print).

Make sure you know your rights, then if the worst does happen, the cheapest holiday insurance won't turn into an expensive mistake.

2) Shop around. There are many price comparison sites now, some of which specialise in cheap holiday insurance. Do your research, check out the deals for the prices you're quoted, and then do as I recommend in the first point.

3) Consider taking out a yearly insurance, rather than just for a single trip. The cheapest travel insurance might only amount to the price of a round of drinks, but often taking out yearly cover pays off in the long term. If you're a frequent traveller, taking out a worldwide insurance for a period of 12 months won't just work out as your cheapest holiday insurance option, it'll save you the hassle of having to shop around every time you travel.

4) Ensure you cover at least the basics. Common problems when travelling are lost luggage, the need for medical treatment while away and flight delays. At the very least, ensure these basic, common problems are taken care of while you shop around for holiday insurance.

5) Be aware of your own situation. Take into account your age and medical condition before taking out the cheapest holiday insurance you can find. Many travel insurers are nervous about offering cheap cover to over 65s as in their eyes you're quite likely to make a claim when in this age bracket.

see other about insurance

Similarly, pre-exisiting medical conditions can help push the cost of cover up, meaning the cheapest deal open to you may not be as competitive a deal as someone younger and with no pre-exisiting medical conditions.

If in doubt, always consult the terms and conditions. With holiday insurance it's all too easy to fall into the trap of thinking problems are things that affect other people, not you.

Don't fall into this trap. Do your homework and whether you end up with the cheapest holiday insurance or not, make sure you have that one, priceless thing - peace of mind.

First-hand experience has taught me how overwhelming it can be to plan for a trip and often it's the little things that can contribute to a stressful situation.


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