The Best Insurance Comparison Tool Ever?

The Best Insurance Comparison Tool Ever? Let's be totally honest before we look at what could be the best insurance comparison tool ever, people don't like buying insurance. Yes it is without doubt one of the most essential purchases a business can make (the recent flooding in the UK has once again highlighted this) but it's hardly an exciting process is it?

You may trawl the internet, fill our numerous forms, make several phone calls and answer the same questions over and over and over again. However this can be long and drawn out process which takes time and costs business owners money. Therefore why aren't there business insurance comparison tools on every search engine or insurance website?(Best Insurance Comparison)

Best Insurance Comparison
Best Insurance Comparison

Well the truth is business insurance is a little more complex than buying a CD as believe it or not getting the cheapest price isn't necessarily the only thing you want. Yes getting the cheapest premium is of course important as nobody likes to pay over the odds but when it comes to business insurance getting other things like the right cover, an affordable excess (or deductable) and help and advice can be just as important.

So this leads us onto what could indeed be the best comparison tool over for businesses looking for business insurance. This tool has been around for years and for businesses looking to compare different types of insurance it could save them time and money.

Ladies and gentleman could in fact the best insurance comparison tool ever be an insurance broker?

Insurance Brokers have been around for years but for businesses who want to compare many different insurance companies and insurance products they could still well be the best tool around.

For those insurance brokers who don't like to be referred to as a tool I'm very sorry but the fact remains they do the same job (plus much more) than any online insurance comparison site.

So if you're a business owner or someone who is responsible for the purchase of business or commercial insurance for your company you really have 3 options when it comes to buying your insurance.

You could go direct to an insurance company who will quote their premium or you could go to an insurance broker who isn't independent and they will quote you a premium from the one insurance company they deal with.

Alternatively, you could go to an independent insurance broker to help you with your business insurance. Find a good one and they will search the market to help you find the right insurance cover, the right excess and the right premium. Not only this because they are independent and aren't tied into using just one insurance company, they can often find you more cover for less money.

If you want to compare many different types of business insurance why not take advantage of what could the best insurance comparison tool there is?

see other about insurance

This article was written by Mark Burdett, Marketing Manager of Northern Counties Insurance Brokers. Mark has over 17 years Marketing experience in the Financial Services industry and has worked on campaigns for companies including Norwich Union, Kia and Zurich.

Now based in Newcastle upon Tyne Mark is Marketing Manager for one of the UK's Leading Insurance Brokers - Northern Counties Insurance Brokers.

Northern Counties have been providing Business Insurance to businesses since 1928 and can be contacted on 0191 482 1219 for all your Commercial Insurance and Business Insurance needs.


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